magazine 23 May 2024

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We look at what a strong US currency means for the global economy and why short-termism can be an investor’s worst enemy both at a company level and a portfolio level.

Keywords’ scale and breadth convey certain competitive advantages

A big pile of money is sitting idle earning people nothing

Lack of direction and corporate miss-steps have sunk the shares

Growth and acceleration strategy set to deliver over the next three years

It is possible to delay taking your pension, but it may not suit everyone

Move is part of a strategy to restore confidence among consumers and investors

The sooner you start the better, even if it is only a small amount to begin with

Ticket prices, Boeing’s woes, fuel costs and airport strikes are all headwinds

Many UK companies are beneficiaries but emerging markets are wincing

Investors and companies are guilty of focusing too much on tomorrow rather than months or years down the line

Switching from accumulation to income funds is one way to maintain your lifestyle

Investing small, regular amounts can add up to an enormous difference with time on your side

US and UK stocks hitting all-time highs presents investors with a dilemma

ARPR growth and Deal Builder progress will be in focus when the automotive marketplace reports

Peer Walmart has set a high bar with both stocks trading at all-time highs

The cash-rich fishing tackle retailer is consolidating the UK market whilst scaling up in Europe

The business will always be low-margin so value is the sole attraction