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Investment Trusts

This little known investment trust has turned £5 million into £740 million

Thursday 05 May 2022

Despite having generated more than three times the return of the FTSE All-Share index over the past 10 years (304% versus 100% respectively), North Atlantic Smaller Companies Investment Trust (NAS) remains under the radar of most investors. Those already owning the shares are rarely willing sellers...

Discover the best and worst performing investment trusts so far in 2022

Thursday 21 Apr 2022

Rising interest rates since the turn of the year, runaway inflation and Russia’s shocking invasion of Ukraine have shaken the investment kaleidoscope in 2022 and forced many investors to reposition portfolios for an increasingly uncertain world. This is reflected in developments in the investment...

Find out why these investment trusts are on sale now

Thursday 31 Mar 2022

The year so far has seen significant volatility for global stock markets driven by concerns over red-hot inflation, the impact on share prices of rising interest rates and war in Ukraine. Crunching the latest data from Winterflood Investment Trusts, Shares has spotted that discounts to net asset...

Investment trusts with more than 10% of their portfolio in private companies

Thursday 31 Mar 2022

Numerous investment trusts in recent years have asked shareholders permission to increase their exposure to companies which do not trade on a stock market, known as unquoted or unlisted. Primarily, this is because companies are staying private for longer and this change in investment policy allows...

Ruffer is top performing capital preservation trust in market shake-up

Thursday 03 Feb 2022

A global equity markets sell-off at the start of 2022, driven by concerns over hot inflation and rising interest rates, together with growing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, has left many investors nursing significant portfolio losses. Those with exposure to the technology-rich Nasdaq index...

Scottish Mortgage share price down 33%: buy more or sell out?

Thursday 27 Jan 2022

It’s no exaggeration to say Scottish Mortgage ( SMT ) , managed by the team at Baillie Gifford, is the UK’s favourite investment trust. With assets under management of nearly £21 billion as of the end of December it dwarfs the next-biggest trusts, and its long-term performance record is unbeatable...

Best performing investment trusts in 2021

Thursday 16 Dec 2021

In the end 2021 proved a rewarding year for stock markets as vaccines were rolled out and economies began to recover from the worst ravages of the pandemic. In the early part of the year, growth was shunned for value before bouncing back into fashion as the year progressed. On the whole, this was a...

Fundsmith success: Smithson doubles in value in three years

Thursday 09 Dec 2021

Investors who backed Fundsmith’s investment trust Smithson ( SSON ) at launch October 2018 have now doubled their money. Their faith in the Fundsmith investment process has been vindicated, and proof they were right to put their money with Smithson despite it being run by a fund manager (Simon...

The lesser known property stocks well worth your attention

Thursday 25 Nov 2021

For most people, the attraction of investing in real estate investments trusts, or REITs for short, is that they offer a stable and consistent stream of income. They are also a good way of getting exposure to real assets which in theory should behave differently to stocks and bonds, and provide...

How to put money into specific sectors with investment trusts

Thursday 18 Nov 2021

The simple option for investors these days is to choose a tracker fund which mirrors a certain part of the market. Therefore, actively managed funds really need to add value and deliver market-beating returns if they are to convince investors not to go for the easy option of a tracker fund. There...
