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Money Matters

My Financial Life - 70s

Thursday 19 Sep 2024

AJ Bell’s Money Matters campaign was launched three years ago with the aim of helping women navigate the massive gender investment gap. This is the first in a series of articles looking at the particular challenges women face at different stages in their financial lives. You might think that by the...

Why ignoring your financial future would be a big mistake

Thursday 22 Aug 2024

On the face of it #doomspending might seem fairly harmless, a new incarnation of what used to be called ‘retail therapy’. Splashing out on nice stuff to give us a mood a lift when life is getting us down. But if you watch the videos, it’s actually pretty bleak, all about a dawning financial...

How I balanced a successful career with having children

Thursday 25 Jul 2024

Whatever the occasion, audience, or setting, I’m always asked the same question: how have I balanced being a mother of nine with a big City career? Looking back, especially over those years when my children were very young, it’s hard to fathom it myself – but certain things have helped, both...

Why I wish I’d saved more for my children

Thursday 20 Jun 2024

Big milestones in our lives usually coincide with big personal finance decisions, or at least give us a nasty reminder that we should have been considering our financial futures when it would have made a difference to the here and now. Hindsight, as they say, is a wonderful thing. I had my first...

Are you making the most of childcare changes?

Thursday 21 Mar 2024

From the minute that squirming bundle of joy is placed in parents’ arms life gets complicated and expensive. How will you split paternity leave, will you both go back to work full time and is that even a possibility with childcare in the UK so expensive? With the average cost of full-time nursery...

Why don’t more women invest?

Thursday 22 Feb 2024

The gender wealth gap is alive and kicking something highlighted at the start of the year by headlines warning women that, on average, they’ll have to work for a whopping 19 additional years if they want to retire with the same pension as their male counterparts. Shocking statistics aside the...

How much does the average family spend a month – and which bills are rising?

Thursday 21 Oct 2021

The news headlines state price rises and a difficult winter ahead. Gas prices have risen significantly, pushing up energy bills, while supply chain issues are said to be pushing up prices at supermarkets. But how much does the average family spend each month and which areas are going to see rises...

Bonds show it’s no time to buy

Thursday 14 Oct 2021

While all eyes have been on the fuel crisis, little attention has so far been paid to the impact of higher oil and gas prices on government bond yields. The yield on the benchmark UK government bond has been rising steadily, and now sits at over 1.1%. To those who remember gilt yields of 5% and...

Pros and cons of ethical investment

Thursday 30 Sep 2021

On 4 October Good Money Week kicks off. A mini-festival of talks and events designed to raise awareness of sustainable investing, an area of the market which is experiencing booming growth. In 2020, £11 billion was ploughed into sustainable investment funds, and so far this year, a further £8...

Going to university? Five ways to get your finances in order

Thursday 23 Sep 2021

A new university year starts this month, and hopefully it’ll be a more normal year for students hitting freshers’ week than last year. But amid the packing, picking your halls and worrying about making friends, lots of people may forget some key financial things before they head off. Here’s your...
