What happens to my pension when I die?

Your pension pot can normally be passed on, free of inheritance tax, to your beneficiaries when you die. Your beneficiaries will usually have a choice whether to take their share as a lump sum or leave it in a pension.

How do I tell AJ Bell about my beneficiaries?

You can nominate whoever you like to receive your pension on your death. This could be your spouse or civil partner, children or grandchildren, or you could nominate someone unrelated to you. You can also leave some, or all, of your pension to a trust or a charity.

You don’t need to leave your pension to just one person; you can split your pot in whatever proportion you like, so each of your beneficiaries might receive a share.

To tell us your beneficiaries, log in to your AJ Bell account and from the 'My account' menu, choose 'Update my details’, then 'Pension beneficiaries'.

Are my nominations binding?

As the scheme administrator of your pension, AJ Bell has discretion over how your pension is passed on. However, it's rare that nominations aren't followed. Usually, this only happens if there's been a change of circumstances (for example, a divorce or remarriage), and your wishes haven't been updated.

How are death benefits paid?

You pension beneficiaries will normally have the choice of taking the pension fund as a lump sum, or leaving the fund invested in a pension and using it to provide an income.

This lets them keep the money invested and take income as and when they need it. Any money they leave invested will continue to benefit from being in a tax-advantaged pension wrapper.

Any money passed to a trust or charity must be paid as a lump sum.

Will there be tax to pay?

Your beneficiaries might have to pay income tax on any pension money they receive. This will depend on:

  • Your age when you die.
  • Whether or not the pension funds are ‘designated’ to your beneficiary within two years. (‘Designating’ funds just means transferring them into the beneficiaries’ names. They don’t have to take the money out within these two years.)

Income tax treatment

Death before age 75

Tax free
(If designated within two years)

If not designated within two years

Death after age 75


Payments to a trust will normally be taxed at 45%

Payments to a charity on death over 75 won't be taxed, provided you've nominated the charity and you have no surviving dependants.

Cash lump sums for deaths under 75 are subject to your available lump sum and death benefit allowance. Anything above your lump sum and death benefit allowance paid as a cash lump sum will be taxed at the beneficiary's marginal rate.

As your AJ Bell pension is held under trust, there’s usually no inheritance tax to pay on pension death benefits.

What happens when the beneficiary dies?

If your beneficiary hasn’t withdrawn the entire pension fund, the funds can be passed on again when they die. Your beneficiary will be able to nominate successors who they want the funds to go to following their death.

The successors will then have the option of taking the funds as a lump sum or using them to provide an income. Whether or not income tax applies will depend on the age of the beneficiary who was holding the pension at their death, not on how old you were.

As an example, if you live to be 90 and leave the fund to your child, aged 60, the death benefits payable to your child would be taxed (as you lived to be over 75). If your child takes the benefits as income and some of the fund is left over at their death at age 70, then the remaining fund could be passed on to their successors tax free, as they died before age 75.

It’s possible to have unlimited successors. Meaning your pension fund could be passed on for generations if it isn’t all taken out.

Case study: Graham Smith dies at aged 76 with £400,000 invested in a pension

To ensure that his wife would have enough to live on after his death, Graham Smith completed an expression of wishes. It left 85% of his pension fund to his wife Caroline, and 5% each to his grandchildren.

He has the following family:

  • Caroline Smith, wife, 70, basic rate taxpayer
  • Lucy, daughter, 46, higher rate taxpayer
  • Sam, son, 44, higher rate taxpayer
  • Adam, grandson, 17, non taxpayer
  • Bella, granddaughter, 15, non taxpayer
  • Charlie, grandson, 12, non taxpayer

Graham was over 75 when he died, so any money paid to his beneficiaries is taxable at their marginal rate.

Caroline chooses to move her share to an AJ Bell SIPP, taking an income each year. She’ll pay basic rate tax at 20% (provided she doesn’t take income that takes her above the threshold for higher rate tax).

If each grandchild does the same, they can take up to £12,570 out each year without paying any tax (as they’re non-taxpayers with no other income). They don’t need to take any income if they don’t want to.

If they start work and paying income tax in the future, they could opt to leave the money in a pension, even until their own retirement.

Upon Caroline’s later death, any remaining pension funds will be paid in line with her own nomination and her age at the time, even though they originated from Graham’s pension.

Remember that the value of investments can change, and you could lose money as well as make it. We don't offer advice, so it's important you understand the risks. If you're not sure, please speak to a financial adviser. These articles are for information purposes only and are not a personal recommendation or advice. Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and rules may change. Pension rules apply.


Our SIPP gives you complete flexibility on how much you save for retirement, and when and where your pot is invested.

Investing in later life

Investing in later life isn't just about reducing risk and converting investments into cash - what other approaches are available?

Written by:
Charlene Young
Pensions and Savings Expert

Charlene Young is AJ Bell’s Pensions and Savings Expert. She joined AJ Bell in 2014 from a wealth management firm where she worked with private clients and small businesses as a financial planner.

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