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Investment Trusts

A big opportunity to buy renewable energy trusts at an attractive discount

Thursday 30 Mar 2023

Despite recent record power prices, renewable energy-focused investment trusts are now largely trading at material discounts to net asset value. That’s created some good buying opportunities in this space, particularly as many of the trusts have historically traded at a premium. Over the long term...

Investment trust bargains: 3 stocks to buy now

Thursday 19 Jan 2023

Optimism that the UK economy may not be as weak as once feared has lifted numerous UK stocks so far in 2023. Yet many investment trusts continue to trade at wide discounts to their net asset values – both relating to UK stocks and overseas ones. It means their share prices are worth less than the...

Discover the investment trusts which have outperformed in a big way in 2022

Thursday 22 Dec 2022

Achieving decent returns has been difficult in 2022 as shareholders in many investment trusts have found to their cost. According to data from the Association of Investment Companies, the average one-year share price total return from all trusts (excluding venture capital trusts) is -13.7%. However...

After a tricky year why would investors buy a tech fund now?

Thursday 08 Dec 2022

Few portfolio managers have escaped the global stock market sell-off, but tech has been plagued more than most. For example, the Nasdaq index, often used as a barometer of the sector’s health, is down 27% this year, compared to a 14% decline for the S&P 500. The reason to still invest in this...

Heard about the dividend heroes? Meet the next generation of income superstars

Thursday 20 Oct 2022

During volatile market conditions and high inflation, investors are looking for ways to protect their income. Investment trusts have an income advantage which is particularly important for seekers of rising payouts. This is because they are able to hold back up to 15% of the income they receive...

SAINTS: the Baillie Gifford trust which has performed best in 2022

Thursday 06 Oct 2022

The Scottish American Investment Trust (SAIN) or ‘SAINTS’, has been managed by Baillie Gifford since 2004 and is focused on delivering real dividend growth by increasing capital and growing income. Notably over the last 12 months it has performed better than other trusts in the asset manager’s...

The Curtis comeback: a return to form for City of London Investment Trust

Thursday 29 Sep 2022

Job Curtis, fund manager for City of London Investment Trust (CTY) , has engineered a remarkable turnaround in performance over the past year. This has negated concerns Shares highlighted last October regarding a period of underperformance versus the UK equity income investment trust sector average...

Why high returns can sometimes justify high ongoing fee charges

Thursday 15 Sep 2022

Given the poor recent performance of many investment trusts compared with the FTSE 100 index – which has held up relatively well this year and which investors can access via a tracker fund for a few basis points – the age-old issue of fees has reared its head again. The big question for investors...

Could BH Macro be the ‘reassuringly expensive’ Stella Artois of hedge fund trusts?

Thursday 01 Sep 2022

The market regards hedge fund Brevan Howard as one of the leading global macro absolute return investment managers. Absolute return specialists aim to deliver a positive return to investors regardless of whether markets are rising or falling. They often own a mix of bonds and stocks as well as...

Can investors rely on high-yield trusts to deliver on their promise?

Thursday 18 Aug 2022

With inflation eating away at investors’ income, high-yield trusts can look very appealing. However, the big question investors should ask before committing themselves is just how sustainable are the dividend streams? In this article we analyse four of the highest-yielding trusts, with a diverse...
